Coding Events
Be a part of HASHes to showcase your skills and compete with the very best of Jamia at the coding events. Win cool prizes and swag! :)
Be a part of HASHes to showcase your skills and compete with the very best of Jamia at the coding events. Win cool prizes and swag! :)
Take a sip of caffeine and sit down with your buddies to creat something beautiful and innovative. In the end pizza always saves your day!
Learn about new technologies and cool stuff introduced in the community from creative people and your peers.
Stuck with a problem or trying to find a new direction or project? Meet and greet new people and share your experiences and CODE TOGETHER!
Sharing and working together on innovative ideas can help them nurture in today's competitive environment. HASHes aims at bringing people together to innovate and participate in innovation…
With HASHes there can exists an environment where no segregation between juniors and seniors exists leading to a healthy professional relationship among the students…
Considering a dearth of both alumni and professional network in the university and department alike, HASHes aims at building a strong network with them to increase interaction of students especially in the field of computer sciences…
If you find any glitch in the webpage, feel free to report an issue on the webpage's github repository. We will be happy to merge your pull requests :)